Our Partners

Our partners are key to our success and to the commissioning and management of our services. We aim to work collaboratively with our partners and to establish trust and long lasting relationships.

Bridges Outcomes Partnerships
Bridges Outcomes Partnerships are a social investor who have made a variety of investments in socially driven projects including with FPM. Providing the initial capital to establish services Bridges typically lead the performance management and governance arrangements which underpin the project and support both strategic and operational delivery in collaboration with the commissioner and with the provider. As their capital is at risk Bridges keep a keen interest in the delivery and high utilisation of the services which are being provided so that all parties can be assured of the likelihood of delivery against the key metrics and performance objectives agreed in the contract. FPM has a strong and longstanding relationship with Bridges with whom we have collaborated in several projects.
‘The Bridges Outcomes Partnerships network brings together experts in policy, programme delivery, data analysis and impact measurement. Our focus is on working collaboratively with our government and charity partners to design and deliver more effective services – so we can help more people to improve their lives and achieve better value for public money.
Bridges Outcomes Partnerships are a social investor who have made a variety of investments in socially driven projects including with FPM. Providing the initial capital to establish services Bridges typically lead the performance management and governance arrangements which underpin the project and support both strategic and operational delivery in collaboration with the commissioner and with the provider. As their capital is at risk Bridges keep a keen interest in the delivery and high utilisation of the services which are being provided so that all parties can be assured of the likelihood of delivery against the key metrics and performance objectives agreed in the contract. FPM has a strong and longstanding relationship with Bridges with whom we have collaborated in several projects.
FFT LLC is the intellectual property right holder of the FFT intervention model and licences sites to operate. FFT LLC trains, consults and provides quality assurance to over 1600 therapists from 330 organisations that provide FFT to nearly 50,000 families across the globe. Dr. James Alexander, the founder of Functional Family Therapy, formed FFT LLC in 1998 for the purpose of leading the systematic replication of FFT into community agencies and to assist in the on-going scientific inquiry into the model. FFT LLC’s global footprint includes training commitments in 45 US states, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Britain and the Republic of Singapore.
Positive Families Partnership
Positive Families Partnership (PFP) is a collaboration between a group of organisations working towards a common goal: to prevent families from breaking down and young people from entry into care.
We provide an edge of care service, delivering holistic, therapeutic interventions to at-risk families. These therapies - Multisystemic Therapy and Functional Family Therapy – have strong evidence bases and are proven to generate better outcomes for young people and their families.
From the perspective of FPM, this was an innovative outcomes-based contract in London which provided Functional Family Therapy and Multi Systemic Therapy as an edge of care service to five London Boroughs but which expanded to ten. Providers included FPM, Family Action and St George’s NHS Trust with Bridges Outcomes Partners as the social investor. FPM acted as Programme Manager for the whole of the service delivery as well as a provider of FFT. The London Boroughs involved had a lead commissioner in place to manage the contract with Bridges. The Better Outcomes Lottery Fund was also involved as a funder of enhanced payment to commissioners. The project ran for three years with the final case follow ups completed in December 2021.
Social Enterprise UK
SEUK manage a Health and Social Care network which has proved to be a useful and engaging place for FPM to meet and discuss issues with similar social enterprise in the Health and Social Care sector. SEUK have a good reputation for access to the Department of Health and NHS which enables FPM to access good quality information.
Social Enterprise UK are the leading global authority on social enterprise.
They are the biggest network of social enterprises in the UK.
They are a strategic partner to 6 government departments and have led public policy on social enterprise for 15 years.
They have unrivalled business relationships working with some of the biggest companies in the UK to support social enterprise through their supply chains, people, and networks.
Their membership is a network that includes all the leading lights of the UK social enterprise movement from multi-million-pound health care and public service providers to community organisations and retail businesses.
They have created the world’s largest commitment to social procurement through the Buy Social Corporate Challenge.
They are the membership body for social enterprise. FPM is part of the membership body.
What do they do
Run effective campaigns for our members and lobby on the sector’s behalf
Carry out robust and respected research to help paint a picture of the UK’s social enterprise movement
Work with our corporate partners to broker business for our members and other social enterprises
Raise awareness of the role those social enterprises play delivering health and care services
Build networks between social enterprises
Raise the profile of people and social enterprises in the sector
Our members aren’t just social enterprises. They also include private businesses, charities and public sector organisations who support our vision of a world where social enterprise is the usual way of doing business.

Stronger Familes
Stronger Families is the working name we have given to the two projects we have in Norfolk and Suffolk where we work in collaboration with Bridges Outcomes Partnerships and also recognises the support of the Life Chances Fund from the National Lottery. It is aimed to be appealing and non-stigmatising for families who engage with the service too. Stronger Families represents the emphasis that we wish to place upon families as being the most appropriate place for children and young people to be and how we wish to direct our energies to enabling families to succeed when they face significant challenges and risks which may lead to breakdown and entry into public care. Both projects in Norfolk and Suffolk deliver Functional Family Therapy with the Child Welfare variant offered in Norfolk. Both are outcomes contracts where we track the sustainability of outcomes for up to two years post intervention. In these two settings we are embedded with the social care teams and collaborate with them throughout the journey of the young person and their family as we deliver the intervention as part of their wider case management which is a responsibility which both Local Authorities retain.