Functional Family Therapy (FFT) - Child Welfare

(FFT-CW) is a clinical adaptation of FFT where the referral indicates the presence of neglect by parents or caregivers as the primary reason for referral.

FFT CW is a new clinical adaptation of the standard FFT methodology which focuses greater attention upon parental behaviours where safeguarding concerns such as neglect, emotional or physical abuse are present.
FFT CW focuses on parental behaviours that lead to safeguarding risks for their children, due to mental health, past domestic abuse, trauma, or emotional dysregulation. It follows the same principles as FFT Standard but can be offered to families from birth to 17 years.
This adaptation FFT-CW was described in a detailed clinical manual (Alexander et al., 2011) and was put into practice with families in all five boroughs of New York City following a detailed implementation protocol (Rowlands & Davidson, 2011).
FPM was the second organisation to bring FFT CW to the UK. That remains. FPM has delivered FFT CW since 2019 in Norfolk.
The FFT CW methodology has shown very positive outcomes for the welfare of the children and has adapted well into the UK social care system. Following the intervention which is usually 5-7 months in duration, families can request a booster session for up to 6 months for a maximum of 4 sessions to help them to embed the positive changes made during therapy into family life and deal with any new challenges they may face.